When Are Termites Most Active? Understanding Seasonal Patterns in Termite Behavior

When are termites most active

When are termites most active? Termites are complex insects that play a critical role in decomposing wood and recycling nutrients in natural ecosystems. However, in residential areas, termites are known for their destructive behavior, causing significant damage to wooden structures within homes. Homeowners are often concerned about termite infestations and

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Pest Control Tips for Winter

Pest Control Tips for Winter

Protecting your home from pests looking to overwinter in the warmth and comfort of your home during winter here in New England can be a challenge, but here are three ideas to help you manage pest issues: Proper Storage and Disposal Ensure that all food items are stored in airtight

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Seeing a Few Too Many Ants? No Problem!

ants in home

Ants don’t usually carry diseases, but their numbers can be overwhelming. Ants typically live in underground colonies and eat practically any kind of food, especially sweets. It’s pretty easy to know if you’re looking at an ant. We have some pretty common nicknames for ants like small, large, brown, and

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